Eleven Riau Main Attraction set in coordination meetings (coordination meetings) Field of Culture and Tourism which was held of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) in Riau Province Aryaduta Hotel Pekanbaru, Tuesday (24/3). Riau provincial government will be serious in the development of eleven Featured Attractions Riau.
Eleven attraction will be institutionalized by each regent / mayor in Riau through discussion in parliament respectively. To eleven leading tourist attraction is the Niagara Thunder Gemurai Kuansing, Artificial Lake-Rumbai Limbungan in Pekanbaru, Barelang Temple in Kampar, Hot Water Kaiti in Rokan Hulu, Drying in Rokan Hilir Island, the Palace wing and Equator monument in Pelalawan, Bukit thirty in Inderagiri Hulu, Solop in Inderagiri Lower Coast, Eco Tourism Mempura in Siak, and North Rupat in Bengkalis.

These meetings led by caddis Culture and tourism Riau Joni Irwan, caddis Budpar attended a number of districts / cities in Riau, UGM archeologist Dr. Widya, Member of Parliament Musfihin Dahlan, head of the Adat Melayu (LAM) Johan Azaly Riau, Riau Tourism Board chairman is someone Sulaiman, SH, representatives of the PHRI, Asita, the Press and others.
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