Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Attractions: hot water Suban (Tourism Rejang Lebong)

Attractions: The hot water is Suban natural attractions that have long interested in the community Bengkulu, The advantages of this attraction is so large, it is because of this attraction offers a variety of unique in it. Tourism is still being developed and well laid out so as to attract foreign tourists.

Tourism is located + 6 km from the City Curup. Besides being a pleasant place for recreation, tourism hot water is believed to be useful for healing various skin diseases, stiff and arthritic.

Nine Twists Park attractions ( Tourism Central Bengkulu)

Nine Twists attraction park is located in the protected forest reserve covering an area of ​​Taba penanjung about 46 ha.
Split by the highway linking North Bengkulu District, Bengkulu and Kepahiang Central. Nature, it has to offer for nature lovers and environmental activists. Tropical forests are rich in the spring was a native habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii and become a comfortable home for animals like monkeys in the region.

Waterfall village attraction Flat Width (Tourism Central Bengkulu)

Waterfall village attraction Width Flat is located in Central Bengkulu district Precisely at Taba Protected Forest Area Wide Flat penanjung Village. 15 meter high waterfall is located about 10 Km from the highway. Because access is still relatively difficult to be reached, then the attraction is less desirable, but if we want to try a little and enjoy the atmosphere of the forest is still beautiful, fatigue can be relieved by the waterfall scenery.